Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I am so me!

It's been over a month since I posted my first blog, off course, with the anticipation of showing up at least once every week. But I have once again proved the audacity of my uselessness in one more field- blogging! Day by day, i keep realizing that the number of things beyond the 'do-able' capacity of Shamna Hameed are a hell lot. People say that God created every person with a purpose in mind, but maybe he missed me out! Because even after 19 years of my mere existence, I find myself groping for that 'special' reason for my existence, but in vain! But that doesn't mean that I regret being useless. This is a part of me- of how I should be. This is my identity, this is how I  simply am! I am not a person who is supposed to live life by a time table, who does things on time, who is mechanized like a machine. Even the thought of being regular and systemalic makes me feel dizzy. My friends who are the part and parcel of my life expect me to be this way- stupid, restless and silly! So this is what I am, and I would love to remain the same..so me! :)

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